Refulgent living room
Spacious and esthetic mood.
Scandinavian living room
Where the clear-cut contrasts meet.
Modern dining room
Thoughtful design and innovative approach.
Cozy living room
Comfortable and elegant approach.
Minimalist living room
The image of a simple and modern home.
Historical seating place
Practical and functional status.

About us

The wholly Estonian capital based company Bergsby Grupp OÜ was established in 2012. Our core activites divide into three – Bergsby Ehitus is on interior finishing and repair works, Bergsby Iuris is offering legal advice and Bergsby Finants provides bookkeeping services. For us, a project starts with listening to a client and understanding their aims, followed by mapping the desired outcome, planning and suggesting the best solutions and price. When the contract is negotiated and concluded, work will be commenced and finished with the delivery of the work.

We appreciate openness, honesty, explicitness and flexibility. We are scrupulous in everything we do and always keep our promises. We deliver high quality and sound guarantee plus we always meet the agreed deadlines. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will find a solution tailored to meet your needs!

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